
My purpose is to help anyone who wants to remove what doesn’t work and enhance what does work. This is actually easy, once one understands that a Being is whole and complete by its very nature. So, if one removes the barriers that block one from knowing who one truly is, life becomes easy and fun because one is living from the highest point of one’s awareness and truth.

My philosophy includes these ideas:

There is a fundamental difference between who one IS and what one HAS. Each of us IS an Eternal Being (Spirit, Soul) with the innate right to be FREE.

Each of us HAS a body to use as a tool in the Game. For clarification, not proof, the following thoughts are offered. Have you ever played the game of Monopoly? When you chose the Top Hat or the Scottie Dog and placed it on the game board, did you believe that the game piece was you? Or that it merely represented you in the game? The physical body is a tool with which to play the game of life. It is a vehicle that we use to get around the game board called Planet Earth.

Each of us also HAS a mind to use as a tool in the game. The mind in its function parallels a computer. Whatever you program into it, that’s what it gives back to you. Memories of upsetting experiences comprise part of the programming. Even if forgotten, they are still part of the programming and if the right key (trigger) is pushed, that program starts running; and by design, the program overpowers your conscious mind. The good news is, you are the programmer and can change the program or delete it altogether.

Memories of positive experiences comprise part of the programming too. You loved Johnny so you still like Armani cologne to this day; or you loved Alice so you feel happy whenever you hear “that song.” Fragrances, food, music, clothing, circumstances, environments, locations, people – all these and anything else - are potential triggers – it depends on what memories are already in the subconscious mind. There is nothing harmful about this; it’s just that, if a key is being pushed, it is far more empowering to be aware of it.

Each individual is responsible for his or her circumstances in life. Even if one didn’t create a circumstance, one always has choice as to how to respond to it.

There are no mistakes; every experience, however negative, is an opportunity to learn a lesson and evolve to higher and higher levels of enlightenment.

Any harmful acts one has committed, even unintentionally, can adversely affect success in any endeavor. Why? Because committing harmful acts leads to guilt, one of the most destructive emotions in the game of life. When one feels guilty, one unknowingly wants to punish oneself, not allow oneself to enjoy life. A person who feels guilty unconsciously feels that he or she does not deserve to be happy, successful, prosperous, etc.

It is human nature to blame someone else or something else as a way to alleviate guilt, but that “strategy” makes the situation worse; instead, taking responsibility is the road out, and that does not mean blaming oneself. Blaming someone else or oneself are both losing strategies.

The 2 steps to responsibly solving guilt are: 1) acknowledge all harmful acts one has committed in the past, forgive oneself, and make amends when appropriate; 2) stop committing harmful acts, and if one inadvertently commits a harmful act, have the courage and integrity to clean it up immediately, or as soon as possible. Apologize, make amends, forgive and move on.

Finally, the KEYS to a fulfilling life are: Love, Kindness, Awareness, Truthfulness, Responsibility and Service to Others.