The Relationship Between Power & Knowledge ~ A Vital Key to Attaining Your Goals

Power – Etymology: from Latin, potere, to be able

Knowledge – Etymology: from Middle English, knowen or knouen, to know

Setting goals is considered by most to be a vital part of success. Some people do it as a matter of habit; some do it once in a while, and some are so disappointed by past failures that the mere mention of goals or goal-setting makes them very uncomfortable. Each of these levels of interest in goal-setting is indicative of degrees of success, from very successful to very unsuccessful.

Very successful people are clear on the value of setting goals, have little or no emotional charge on the subject, and consistently set goals. They achieve most or all of them, and then set more goals. Those they fail to attain they re-inspect in regard to validity, workability, and value, and then decide whether to re-word them, or eliminate them and set different goals. They objectively review what didn’t work and then do something about it. They don’t criticize themselves or feel guilty. Their self-esteem is high, and it stays high, regardless of outcomes. They don’t allow failure to attain a goal to influence how they view themselves.

Moderately successful people set goals in a sort of random fashion. They are, for the most part, unaware of the value so are not purposeful and deliberate in their goal-setting. Setting their goals is a hit-and-miss affair, and often, so is the attainment of their goals.

For those who struggle, it’s an indication that something that happened in the past is still “alive” in their minds in the present. Whether it happened yesterday or 20 years ago, it affects them as if it is happening right now, in the present moment. Some of their Life Force Particles are trapped in the memory of what happened and are unavailable for them to use toward setting their goals in the present. Those Life Force Particles are being used negatively, to maintain the emotional turmoil and keep it going.

Life Force Particles are bits of energy that, in a sense, are bits of you. It’s your energy. Life Force Particles are the fuel, the energy, you use to make things happen, to create exactly what you want in your life. The amount of success you have in life is correlative to the amount of Life Force Particles you have at your disposal at any given time.

Therefore, the way to be most successful is to free any trapped Life Force Particles so that they can be used positively. When they are freed up, a person will experience a surge of power as the Life Force Particles return, at which point indifference or despair are replaced by a natural enthusiasm and passion!

Regarding that surge of power, enthusiasm, and passion, there is an important ingredient that is vital to success—knowledge. Using power without having the knowledge for using it judiciously can lead to negative results.

Example 1: A person who was struggling financially wins the lottery and suddenly has $15 million dollars. The person has the money but not the knowledge as to how to wisely use it, invest it, etc. Six months later that person may be flat-broke again.

Example 2: A person who was doing fairly well in life on his own decides to create a team to help him do even better. He is successful and now has a team of 6 people. This team gives him much more power. But he doesn’t have the knowledge as to how to lead a team, manage a team, inspire a team, and so on. It may work out or it may not. The power without the knowledge makes the outcome questionable.

Example 3: A person who is alone and single meets someone and connects with that person. There is a huge power that comes into being as the two people experience the joy and happiness of becoming a couple. However, both have had failed relationships in the past, and neither person has bothered to gain any new knowledge in the area of relationships. Neither has read any books, listened to tapes, gotten processing to handle old upsets from the past, or done anything to educate themselves so they would have more knowledge to go with the new power they both have. They may make it or they may not. Having the power without the knowledge lessens their chances of success.

In the above examples (or any examples), a negative outcome is not a given. The person who wins the lottery may go on to maintain or increase their wealth; the person with the new team may find that one or more people on the team are able to contribute knowledge that will make the team a success; the two people in their new relationship may live happily ever after.

The problem is that in each case, the key word is “may.” In each case, they may succeed or they may not. The wonderful thing about this “problem” is that it is so incredibly simple to solve! Increasing your knowledge will take you in the direction of more certainty of success, and farther away from maybe you will succeed.

In the American Heritage dictionary, the first definition of “know” is: “To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.” Note the word certainty right in the definition. So, when you set your goals, you may want to include an assessment of each goal in terms of your knowledge in each area.

These are some questions you could ask yourself:

  1. What do I know about this area? (Make a list, acknowledge what you do know; then write suggestions for how you can use this knowledge)

  2. What don’t I know about this area? (Make a list, acknowledge what you don’t know; then make a list of people, books, tapes, and other resources and create a plan for using these resources to increase your knowledge. And rejoice at the prospect of learning—knowledge can free up trapped Life Force Particles!).

  3. Am I so unfamiliar with this area that I can’t answer Question 2 above? (If you don’t know an area very well, it can sometimes be difficult to even know what it is that you don’t know about it! The first step, and the most empowering, is merely the understanding of the question itself and the honest answering of it. When you are aware that you don’t know, and you acknowledge it, you can start the process of knowing).

  4. Am I pretending to know when I really don’t? (Start by being truthful and honest with yourself; then proceed as in 2) above).

  5. Are there words or terminology connected to this area that I’m not sure about or don’t understand? (Make a list and diligently look each word or term up in a dictionary).

  6. Is there anything from my past that is preventing me from using the knowledge I already have? (Avoid analyzing and simply observe what comes up. If you find something from your past on which you are stuck, get processing or some form of help in dissipating it. Don’t allow the past to negatively influence your present and future).

Use these questions, or others you think of, to be aware of what you know and what you don’t know in regard to your goals.

Acknowledge what you do know and make it your business to educate yourself on what you don’t know. Appreciate your power and honor it by having the knowledge to accompany it, so that you can use your power to create the life you really want.

And finally, to take this all the way to the ultimate Win/Win, share your power and knowledge with others, to help them to create the lives they really want. With more power and more knowledge, they will go out and help other people to create the lives they really want. Then those people will help other people do the same, and this Circle of Power, Knowledge, and Success will grow larger and larger. This is how we will ultimately have a planet of peace, happiness, and an abundance of all that is good in Life... for All.

References for the above article:

  • The book, The Secrets to Increasing Your Power, Wealth & Happiness, and the audio tape lecture, “Fear of Power,” by Alan C. Walter.

  • The book, Understanding Life, and the audio tape lecture, “Power with Wisdom,” by Lawrence West.

    My sincere appreciation to Alan and Lawrence for generously sharing their Power and Knowledge with all of us.

    © Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight Inc, 2003


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